Located in Perth for fast service
08 - 6114 2132

8:00am until 5:00pm

Are you fully covered?

60% of properties are not fully covered in the event of a bushfire.

So often once our insurance is established it is rarely reviewed, causing many to have a level of insurance that will leave them unable to rebuild the family home to the standard they wish and to the standard they have been paying their premiums for.

The average cost of rebuilding homes has naturally increased over time particularly with the changes to the national building code that was amended in 2010 after the Black Saturday fires. An average home that might cost $200,000 to build could potentially cost double if the home has a bushfire rating of BAL-FZ (the highest rating given under AS3959). If your home has burnt down in a bushfire it is quite possible that a BAL-FZ or Flame zone rating would be correct.

If you contact your Insurance company, they will strongly recommend that you get cover to be able to rebuild your house to BAL-FZ standards because it means a higher premium for them. There is no need to have a level of insurance that can never be claimed so to find out your the BAL rating that gives the greatest saving book an assessment with us.

Call Your insurance

Call your insurance company today to make sure you have the right level of cover if your in a bushfire prone area

Get the lowest premium

Find out your BAL rating so you can get the right level of insurance cover and pay the lowest premium

Why choose us

Our price guarantee?

We will beat any written quote by 10%

Book a job with us and have the report within 3 days

3 or even 2 days turn around

Lowest price guarantee

Best rating that comply with AS3959-2009

Our company has a single focus

We focus on building relationships with councils to minimize delays